Where my books are available
My books are distributed throughout the world by Ingram Spark and are available through the following book stores and distributors:
In paperback :
United States
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Chapters/Indigo (Canada),
- and other well-known book retailers and wholesalers across North America.
United Kingdom | Europe
- Adlibris
- Agapea
- Amazon.co.uk
- Aphrohead
- Bertrams
- Blackwell
- Book Depository Ltd
- Books Express
- Coutts Information Services Ltd
- Designarta Books
- Eden Interactive Ltd
- Foyles
- Gardners
- Trust Media Distribution (formerly STL)
- Mallory International
- Paperback Shop Ltd
- Superbookdeals
- The Book Community Ltd
- Waterstones
- Wrap Distribution
Australia & New Zealand
- Rainbow Book Agencies
- The Nile
- James Bennett
- Peter Pal
- University Co-operative Bookshop
- 24Symbols
- 7Switch
- Amazon
- Apple
- Baker & Taylor Blio
- Barnes & Noble
- BookShout (Rethink Books)
- Bookmate
- Follett
- Gardners
- Glose
- Hummingbird DM
- Inktera
- Kobo
- PaperC
- Redshelf
- Rockstand (RockASAP)
- Sainsbury
- Txtr
- Wook
- Zola
- A book Company
- All Romance eBooks
- Artech House
- Asia Books
- BOL.com
- Bookshop Krisostomus
- Booktopia
- Campus eBooks
- Cokesbury.com
- Completebook.com
- Covenant
- ebook.de Internet GmbH
- eBookMall
- eBookShop
- FeedBooks
- Five Senses Education Pty ltd
- Global Reward Systems
- Hastings
- Infibeam
- Inkterra
- lwemi.com
- Juke Entertainment GmbH
- Libstor
- Lybrary.com
- Majesty Media Group
- Mediander, LLC
- Mintbook.com
- MPH Online
- My Learning Hub
- Online Book Place
- Pocketbook
- PubFront APS
- Saraiva e Siciliano
- Sarajoben Enterprises US
- SBS Special Book Services
- Slicebooks
- Spotlink Digital
- Takealot
- Textbooks.comMBS
- Tradebit
- UAB VIPSupply
- Wisepress LTD UK
- XAMOnline
Other places
A number of online sites have uploaded details of the book from Amazon and other sources. These and any book shops and retailers are able to order through the Ingram Spark catalogue.